This is a mini-course taken from three of the four vocabulary lessons in the Clues to the TOEFL Reading Test course.

Its purpose is to help people who may not be sure they can take that complete course to learn important exam vocabulary strategies and to develop a plan for further vocabulary study.

The first two lessons continue where the Vocabulary for the TOEFL and IELTS course ended, with more details and especially practice with context clues and roots and affixes.

The third lesson teaches important strategies for understanding and remembering new vocabulary. It suggests some excellent resources for learning and practicing new words.

There is a final short lesson on making a plan to continue your English vocabulary studies, with more useful resources.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Exam Vocabulary: Recognizing Word Meanings as You Read

  • 2

    Recognizing Prefix, Suffix, and Root Meanings

    • Lesson 2: Decoding Word Parts (Roots & Affixes)

    • Lesson 2: Prefixes, Suffixes, & Choosing Correct Prefixes for Root Meanings (with Answers)

    • Bonus: Words from 20 Roots (if you have time)

  • 3

    How to Learn New Vocabulary

    • Lesson 3: How to Study Vocabulary

    • Quiz (on Memory Palace vocabulary)

    • Lesson 3 Bonus When Do You KNOW a word?

    • Lesson 1-3 Urls and a Vocabulary Notebook Template

  • 4

    Keep Learning Vocabulary!

    • Lesson 4: Make a Study Plan

    • Exam Vocabulary Resources

About the instructor


Catherine Simonton

I’ve been helping students learn English for nearly 20 years, though I've been fascinated by words and languages my whole life.

I learned how to study vocabulary while studying several languages including Latin (the source of so many roots of English words), Spanish, a little Portuguese (just reading), and some Chinese. That language study has been so enriching, as well as useful, that I want to help others get the same benefits from learning English!

While teaching adult ESL I saw the need for more reading and practice materials, especially for Intermediate students to study on their own. That’s one reason I started the EnglishHints website in 2011.

Reading a lot in English is so valuable for learning vocabulary and ways to express thoughts in English!

In fact, for almost anyone who wants to study or work using English, conversational English is not enough. That's why EnglishHints and the EnglishHints Academy include so much academic vocabulary and guided reading practice.

I hope these courses will help you become a more confident and effective English speaker!

P.S. You can reach me with any questions at [email protected]

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